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When children want to have pets


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If you want a child at heart the BeforeTransfer cast Children need to know and love animals. In addition to the psychological impact of children but also the responsibility of children to have children who also want to have pets of my own, and to importune parents bought him a walk through a pet store. In the opinion of veterinarians and psychologists agree that there is a positive influence on their children.

Good things from the animals. In view of the veterinary

The benefit of the children animals as "animal children will have a gentle soul. Understand the sympathy of others. Recognize the value of life. About be considerate Care about others Until it emerged as an additional responsibility.

Important to help children know how to seek knowledge. To allow his livestock with quality. The morality that On mercy The first. He must learn to empathize. Willed myself to not like in the past. Need to think of animals with When you see the animals themselves injured party has always been there. When learning to help animals then. No problem can help others. This is an addictive habit until it has grown. "

Good things from the animals. In view of the psychologist.

The animals or children have the opportunity to close the pet. The first issue is that children will get to know their children will have to love mercy, if children do not have the opportunity to be with animals or animal Children do not know mercy at all. Become a hate animals. And the training of children to express kindness to animals. Children will develop their own unconscious. A person with morals and ethics when they grow up.

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