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Why Dog would like to play



It is said that the puppy was just like children who love to play. Naughty love to go around. Misbehavior of the child if the optimism that it took him just like that old. Naughty children is a wise child. They can learn something quickly. However, if a little one of our four-legged per If he is a puppy and the wanton. He will be like a wise old dog that it's me.

Puppies like to play the wanton When the dog is a wild animal. Playing the role of the dog. It is a dog trained to learn basic skills of hunting dogs are now even become an animal home. But the play is still important because dogs are social animals that like to live together in groups. The play is a dog known to improve sociability And known to be a friend to man. To be developed into adult dogs that are good for the mental health.

28-35 day old puppy will begin to show social behavior is puppies will play Korea today that the older dog. Shows little intimidating dogs. Write a sergeant drove out. This is a transition period of dog behavior. Because a dog will behave in the future, what Ekhึg as to learning. And take note of this period such dog is teased panic When you grow up as a dog might become suspicious. Or until we are very shocked if neurotic dog or puppy that scared of loud. Grow up or be afraid of thunder Prathat etc.

Puppies that are confined. Or prevented from meeting people in the age range 3-10 weeks during which the dog likes to play the wanton. They often can not adjust to the society and people and dogs with each other. The worse. When growing up. It might be neurological. Do not like meeting people. Owners and difficult to control.

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