Monday, June 27, 2011
7:50 PM
Labels: News update , Tiger
Get off! The cute cub charged around the yard of the monastery as the monk tried in vain to bring him under control
This is the amazing moment a monk bravely grabs a tiger cub by its tail as it attempts to escape.
Some might say he is brave, others might call his actions foolish - but he gets away with it as he is actually best friends with the tiger cub and its doting mum.
Amateur photographer Hendro Hioe was travelling through the Kanchanaburi province of Thailand - 84 miles from Bangkok - when he heard from locals that a monk had befriended a tiger family.
Best mates: Another spectacular image shows the monk proudly sitting on top of the mother's back as she sits, rather unimpressed, next to a tree
Realising this was a photo opportunity not to be missed, the Indonesian snapper quickly grabbed his camera and took a detour through the arid rural landscape to capture the pair.
But once he got there things were far from plain sailing - as the tiger refused to stay still for a picture.
Playfully, the cute cub charged around the yard of the monastery as the monk tried in vain to bring him under control.
Hanging out: The monk feeds and showers the cubs just like they were his children
Hendro, from Jakarta, Indonesia, said: 'When I heard about the monk and tiger I knew I had to get a shot of them together. They are an odd friendship.
'But the playful tiger didn't like sitting still.' In one stunning image, the monk - draped in an orange robe - cheekily reaches out as the tiger speeds past him.
Amazingly he grabs the cubs wagging tail - making it turn and growl ferociously.
Family affair: Hendro Hioe was travelling through Thailand when he heard from locals that a monk had befriended a tiger family
And in a desperate bid to keep the hyperactive cub still, the monk decides to crouch over and hug it.
Another spectacular image shows the monk proudly sitting on top of the mother's back as she sits, rather unimpressed, next to a tree.
Hendro, who first began taking pictures in 1996 when his father bought him a camera, added: 'After he grabbed its tail the tiger turned back and tried to bite the monk.
'Luckily it realised he was the man who takes care of him - otherwise he might have injured him.
'The monk then hugged the little cub to stop him running off. But his bigger mum heard his playful yelps and came over to see what was happening.
Bonding: In a bid to keep the hyperactive cub still, the monk decides to crouch over and hug it
'But she just stood and watched as I took my pictures.' Hendro added: 'The monk feeds and showers the cubs just like they were his children.'
Thankfully after three or four minutes of the tiger refusing to pose for his big moment, Hendro, a CEO of a design company, got the shot he had trekked over 30 minutes for.
The 32-year-old said: 'I can say it was a surprise to see the monk grab the tiger's tail. Only a brave man would do something like that even if he is friends with it.
'But I love the moment, it is the perfect picture.'
source: dailymail

This is the amazing moment a monk bravely grabs a tiger cub by its tail as it attempts to escape.
Some might say he is brave, others might call his actions foolish - but he gets away with it as he is actually best friends with the tiger cub and its doting mum.
Amateur photographer Hendro Hioe was travelling through the Kanchanaburi province of Thailand - 84 miles from Bangkok - when he heard from locals that a monk had befriended a tiger family.

Realising this was a photo opportunity not to be missed, the Indonesian snapper quickly grabbed his camera and took a detour through the arid rural landscape to capture the pair.
But once he got there things were far from plain sailing - as the tiger refused to stay still for a picture.
Playfully, the cute cub charged around the yard of the monastery as the monk tried in vain to bring him under control.

Hendro, from Jakarta, Indonesia, said: 'When I heard about the monk and tiger I knew I had to get a shot of them together. They are an odd friendship.
'But the playful tiger didn't like sitting still.' In one stunning image, the monk - draped in an orange robe - cheekily reaches out as the tiger speeds past him.
Amazingly he grabs the cubs wagging tail - making it turn and growl ferociously.

And in a desperate bid to keep the hyperactive cub still, the monk decides to crouch over and hug it.
Another spectacular image shows the monk proudly sitting on top of the mother's back as she sits, rather unimpressed, next to a tree.
Hendro, who first began taking pictures in 1996 when his father bought him a camera, added: 'After he grabbed its tail the tiger turned back and tried to bite the monk.
'Luckily it realised he was the man who takes care of him - otherwise he might have injured him.
'The monk then hugged the little cub to stop him running off. But his bigger mum heard his playful yelps and came over to see what was happening.

'But she just stood and watched as I took my pictures.' Hendro added: 'The monk feeds and showers the cubs just like they were his children.'
Thankfully after three or four minutes of the tiger refusing to pose for his big moment, Hendro, a CEO of a design company, got the shot he had trekked over 30 minutes for.
The 32-year-old said: 'I can say it was a surprise to see the monk grab the tiger's tail. Only a brave man would do something like that even if he is friends with it.
'But I love the moment, it is the perfect picture.'
source: dailymail
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