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Smart cat like dog training. (Part 2)



Smart cat like dog training. More than anything it's hard

you may be a headache. If I ask someone to help train the younger cats at home. Condition is not so much. Just ask the newspaper to the house period. Limited leg was stolen or ambush, it is still good ... I'm willing to pay how much they throw.

Activity 2: Training in - out of the house (with windows).

1. It's time to play.

- Held him in the area. Open the window to the front of the eye.

- Guidelines for him to pass out the window to play.

- Time your run, come back by calling him at the same window.

- When a Krado up to the house to ask the same window open to take them to wipe the torso and then dessert.

2. It's time to play.

- Carried into space.

- Open the window to navigate in and out

- Calls home when it's time schedule.

- Ran into the house when called. And a dessert as a reward.

3. It's time to play.

- Walk their own chest requests.

- Open the window, he jumps off his own.

- It's time to ask yourself home.

- To the house waiting to eat dessert.

The two activities can be seen that if the action is repeated often, he remembered. And know how to do so is candy not to possess In the first phase need to navigate hint. Facilitate the open window, he sent and received. But later, even though the party still in bed reading comics. When it comes out. He will continue to voice Mien that any request from you is to stop reading and then open them out to play. And is waiting for that when he was Mien. "Get me home."

After significant home. Do not forget to clean the body Because the grip of this disease outbreak million are girls watched if we do not clean enough. Younger cats, cute May become a bad virus vectors into the house without knowing it.

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