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The puffin that got nuffin! Seagull snatches tasty eels right from rival bird's BEAK


..This is the moment a bullish seagull robbed a feathered ‘friend’ of its hard-earned dinner by snatching the food straight from its beak.

The gull dwarfed a helpless puffin and deprived its victim of the sand eels it had been carrying in its beak.

Returning from a hunting trip, the puffin became vulnerable after landing too far from its burrow, giving the gull the perfect opportunity to pounce.

Robbed: The seagull swoops in to catch its dinner straight from the beak of a little puffin

Bully: The puffin is dwarfed by the bigger seagull who takes the eels straight out of its beak

Gotcha: The seagull has no sympathy for the terrified puffin who can do nothing but hand over his dinner

The puffin was en route to its burrow to take the meal back for its chicks.

Left with just a single sand eel following the confrontation, the dejected bird flew off once more, presumably to go and find some more food.

The amazing incident was captured by Jan Hannaford on Skomer Island, Pembrokeshire, Wales.

Jan, 58, a physio from Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, said: 'I had visited the island especially, it’s an amazing place for photography.

'They tend to live in burrows created by rabbits which is where this puffin was heading to.

'Puffins are such amazing birds to shoot, they are fascinating to watch and they even seem to have characters.

'Normally if puffins spot a seagull sitting where they want to land they will circle above them for as long as is necessary.

'But obviously on this occasion the puffin misjudged its landing and got ambushed by the gull.'

She added: 'Gulls can be very nasty though and they’ve even been known to pull puffin chicks out from their burrows.

'It was the highlight of my day to get the images - though I’m not sure the puffin had such a good day.'


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